Gazella subgutturosa spp. marica

Arabic name: Reem

Common name: Arabian sand gazelle



  • Average weight: 15 – 25 kg
  • Average horn length: 13”


  • Average weight: 15 – 18 kg
  • Average horn length: 10”

It has elegantly curved horns. Both the males and females have horns. These animals are very light in color; the head completely white in older animals, with back and flanks being light beige, an obvious advantage in the open sands, which they favor.

Habitat: It is found in deserts. It prefers foothills with broken grounds and mountain valley and plateaus, avoiding rocky cliffs where there is thick woody vegetation.

Gestation: 5 Months

Diet: Herbivore

Life-Span: 8-9 Years.