Gazella Gazelle Cora

Arabic name: Domani

Common name: Arabian mountain gazelle



  • Average weight: 13 – 22 kg
  • Average horn length: 10”


  • weight: 13 – 18 kg
  • Average horn length: 7”

It has a pure white belly with a dark to black stripe on its flanks that merges into dark beige or brown on the back, the neck and the head. Facial markings consist of various shades of brown with two white stripes extending from the eyes towards the nostrils.

Habitat: It is found in low altitude mountains, sometimes in very steep terrain, but avoid rocky areas and walking on rocks. They prefer valleys between mountains and sandy plains, but also occur in regions of real deserts.

Gestation: 5 Months

Diet: Herbivore

Life-Span 8-9 Years.